
We need your help to continue preserving, promoting, and presenting the banjo!


Museums don’t sprout from the ground organically nor do they function in a vacuum. Museums are funded and cared for by passionate people through donations. You and your financial support make possible our preservation of banjo history. Won’t you please take a moment and send a generous gift to help us in this important mission?

Donors do much more than just keep the lights on…they literally breathe life into any museum. Every day, people from around the world - just like you - take the time to give in support of the American Banjo Museum, the only museum of its kind in the world. Please give what you can knowing that no matter what the amount, your belief and support means so much to us. Your donations are essential in allowing us to continue preserving important banjos, their history and the music they make, keeping all of these things alive for future generations to discover and appreciate.

Monthly Giving
A monthly recurring gift is a convenient way to donate with impact. When you become a Sustaining Donor, you join a committed community that provides ongoing support for the American Banjo Museum all year long. Recurring gifts can be increased/decreased or canceled at any time. Click here to set up Monthly Giving.

Give Online

Make a donation online by clicking here.

Call 405-604-2793 to give a give by phone.

The American Banjo Museum's continued success is in your hands!

Don't delay . . . make a donation to the American Banjo Museum today!

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